Hey lovelies :) Today I've decided to do a post on skin care as in the last couple of months i have become obsessed by it! Just so you know my skin type is combination/oily so I have dry patches and very oily patches, I also suffer with hyper-pigmentation, acne scarring and am prone to breakouts at 'that time of month' or when stressed! So here are 8 tips/rules I live by..
1. Remove your make up thoroughly
every night..
-personally I like to cleanse and tone every night, however we all have our lazy nights (don't pretend you don't! haha) so have some make up/baby wipes for those occasions i.e. when arriving home suitably merry at 3am!
2. Moisturise every night before bed.
-this is something i didn't use to do in fear it would hinder my skin by clogging it and cause breakouts.. I couldn't have been more wrong! Night time is when your skin and body in general does it's repairing and a good moisturiser can help this process massively! Also if you skin is too dry it will produce excessive amounts of oil which is much more likely to cause breakouts!
3. Wash your pillow cases regularly/ switch the pillow you sleep on..
-this may sound like a strange one to some of you but trust me it makes sense! If your constantly sleeping with your face against the same pillow night after night it will get dirty from natural oils and wear off of any night products you may use, and no surprise this can cause those dreaded breakouts!
4. Deep exfoliate your face 3/4 times a week depending on you skin type..(more if your oily less if your dry). If you do this too much you will strip the skin of natural essential oils, which in turn will result in worse skin!
5. Try to only wear make up when necessary and remember you don't have to cake it on everyday to look pretty :) If your not planning on leaving the house one day you don't need to wear any so let your skin breath and just cleanse and moisturise like normal!
Try not to pick spots..
- now as gross as this may seem i know that this will be a lot of peoples guilt pleasure (I'm guilty as charged), when you see a whitehead there instinct is to pop it! But in doing this you're just encouraging the bacteria to spread around your face and potential increase the breakout.. uh oh! Tip: try using sudocrem on active breakouts!
7. Wear and SPF on your face every day of the year regardless of weather or season!
- This will help you protect you skin from the suns harmful rays and reduce sun spots, ageing and skin cancer so can only be a good thing, right?!
8. Last of all.. get to know your skin!
- do some research or seek out advice if you're not sure of your skin type and then buy products according to it and you will see results!
I hope this has been interesting/helpful :) please let me know what you think!
Can you give me any skin care tips?
Do you do anything differently?
Lots of Love HF x
DISCLAIMER: These are just some things i have learnt in my 21 years and wish someone had told me as a teen! The tips/rules i follow are just my opinion on what i like to do, you do not have to follow them and they might not work for you as skin is extremely different for everyone! :)